Monday, April 14, 2008

Fort Davis~Race Reports

Day 2-Friday

Not much sleep but I am very "Amped" because, the team starts to arrive. We all get settled and get out for a ride . I spin my legs first on my Giant, then, get the borrowed TT bike ready for a ride, thank you Bryan Wadie for the Loaner! I would say she worked out great, but I really stunk at the time trial. I would definitely say, you need to spend some quality time on the TT prior to racing it. It's is kinda hard when you are Mountain bike racing and road racing every weekend. Saturday Time Trail : Tammy was first to go from the team then, Michelle , myself (Smith) and then, Tracie. Now, this is the first time I have ever done a tt race on a tt bike. "Good Luck" . Tammy and Tracie did very well, they both looked very comfortable during the race. Yes, I got to see both, first was when team mate Tracie passed me during the tt, and then, I noticed Tammy as she was heading back after the turn around. I should have been focusing on my tt, But, that is the thing, I totally lost focus. As I Hated the position. I wanted to stand up and sprint . I kept thinking if I was on my mtb , I could do this. But, this is nothing like the mtb. So, yes I did very poorly on the TT , and started out a stage race very behind in points. That is okay. because I had two other team mates with much better times. I am not sure if I will do this again, but assure you . I will come back to redeem myself.

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